Food Drop in Calhoun County

~ Searching For New Ways to Relieve Suffering ~

Innovative Charities

is a 501c3 non-profit organization that devotes its energy to passionately advocating for and helping the hungry, needy and under-privileged. We are dedicated to finding new ways to help relieve suffering in our area. Based in Jackson County, we work primarily in the area of food, household goods, general benevolence, homelessness, disaster relief and recovery. We collaborate with other non-profits, faith based organizations and government agencies in our area to work together to bring help to our neighbors in need.

Food Pantries

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We have been providing free supplemental food to qualified families since 2008. We are a USDA approved TEFAP agency within the Feeding America system for Jackson, Calhoun and Liberty counties. Presently, we distribute, on average, more than 75,000 pounds of product monthly, supplementing the food needs of over 40,000 people a year. We also have multiple routes where food is delivered to shut-ins and those that have no way of getting to our pantries.

Applying for food is as simple as filling out one application per year that is based on USDA income levels.

Jackson County Pantry

1994 Hwy 71 South
Marianna, FL
Every Wednesday from 10am to 12noon CST.

Calhoun County Pantry

12122 Hwy 20 West
Clarksville, FL
Every Thursday from 9am to 11am CST

Liberty County Pantry

12390 NW Central Ave
Bristol, FL
2nd and 4th Tuesdays from 10am to 12pm EST

Household Goods / Thrift Store

household goods household goods

Our Thrift Store has a two fold mission. While it does help to generate some of our needed operational funds, it serves as an opportunity for the income constrained to purchase clothes and other needed items at a price they can afford. It also serves as added storage area for our household goods assistance program. This program has historically been centered around helping fire, domestic abuse victims, etc., to create a new home. We rely heavily on the donations of the local community as without them we would not have the items on hand to help those in need. This program has funneled thousands of dollars worth of goods from those that didn't want them anymore to those that were without.
Our thrift store is located at 1994 Hwy 71S in Marianna. Hours are Monday thru Saturday 9am to 5pm CST (except for Jackson pantry time).

Home Medical Equipment

Home Medical Equipment

With the changes to the medical insurance industry within the last several years, we have seen a great increase in need for providing home use medical equipment. Many times patients are sent home and there is a delay in receiving the very item that was prescribed for them. We accept and store donated medical items so that they can be given out for such needs.

Foreign Missions

household goods household goods

While we belive that when it comes to charity one should fix their own village first, we also understand the responsibilty we have, as a first world country, to those in other parts of the world that are less fortunate that we are. As such we also maintian a foreign mission in Nigeria, West Africa through our subsidary Trumpeter's Song Ministries. The mission was started when our founder, Joy Gilbert, was a missionary there. We also help sponsor an orphanage in India called the Champions house.

Working to Meet Needs


Our mission to help the needy is not limited to simple food pantries or furniture storage. We will work to help with whatever resources we have available. Sometimes that is general benevolence to the economically distressed. Sometimes that is partnering with other entities to meet a community need. Giving first responders batteries acquired from a Duracell grant. Disbursing baby supplies to new mothers. Handing out blankets to low income families. Helping to rebuild our neighbor's destroyed homes with funds from disaster grants. Building beds for kids. Taking loads of supplies, donated by our own Michael victims, to other hurricane stricken areas. We take whatever resources are donated to fulfill whatever need presents itself.

Help Us Help Others!

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Like other non-profit charitable organizations, we rely on the charity of others to assist us in our endeavors to help the needy and distressed in our area. In reality, we are simply a pass through for the charitable minded of the community to be able to easily help the needy of the community. Whether it's donating your time, your unwanted goods, or monetarily, we are dependent on the serving and giving of some, for us to be able to help others. Your donation will help provide the resources needed to continue with our mission. If you would rather use some other means of donating financially feel free to use the contact information below to speak with us directly. Thank you and God bless you.

A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling 1-800-Help-Fla (435-7352). Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state.